1 Way You Should Take Advantage of Your 20s

I take issue with lists like these, prescribing ways for me to make the most of my time as a young, reckless, seemingly-invincible 20-something. Not only because their tone is not unlike that of a parent telling you for the ump-teenth time about the Good Old Days, but because it's purely subjective advice presented consciously as objective truth.

​In my opinion, the one way one should take advantage of one's 20s is to do whatever you want, for better or worse. The last thing I want to do is look back on my 20s and realize I didn't do something or have an experience because someone else decided it's a waste of my time. I have no real responsibility to anyone but myself right now ,and it's up to me to make decisions, good or bad. Granted, I don't advise anyone to make catastrophic decisions for the sake of 'having the experience', but I do advise people to think for themselves.